West Houston Medical Center (WHMC) / Registration Department 281-588-8577
- Service They Provide:
- Room, Board, Meals for mother and baby while hospitalized
- Payment Information:
- No additional discounts available
- Payment, in full, must be paid in advance or before leaving the hospital to obtain discounted rate
U.S. Anesthesia Partners
- Customer Service: 888-325-6084 (last name A-M); 844-812-2541 (last name N-Z)
- Price Quotes/Prepay: 972-715-5080
Magini & Lakhia & Assoc. (Pathology) 713-271-6881 (to request discount) or 713-432-1500 (to make payments)
- Service They Provide:
- Physicians who analyze and evaluate labs done while patient and baby are hospitalized
- Payment Information:
- Payment cannot be made until after the birth of the baby
- Call to request a “self pay” discount (50%)
Texas Children’s Pediatrics 281-589-9700
- Service They Provide:
- Physician who will care for baby after birth (and until international patients return to home country)
- Payment Information:
- No additional discount available
- Cannot make payment in advance
- Full payment due at 1st office visit to obtain discount
American Surgical Professionals 832-804-8730
- Service They Provide:
- Assists Dr. La with C/sections only
- Payment Information:
- Only required for C/sections
- Cannot be paid until after the birth of baby
Pediatrix (OPTIONAL SVC) 800-738-5544
- Service They Provide:
- Hearing test for baby
- Payment Information:
- Cannot make payment in advance
- Call to request “self pay” discount